3D Energi Limited (ASX: TDO) was incorporated in July 2003 and listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) on 22nd May 2007. The Company has 20 years’ experience specialising in the early identification of high value exploration opportunities with significant commercialisation potential combined with a proven track record of attracting world class industry partners. 3D Energi has developed an outstanding portfolio of highly prospective offshore exploration permits in the offshore Otway and Gippsland basins of Southeast Australia, proximal to existing gas fields, associated infrastructure, and an undersupplied east coast gas market.
The Company’s strategy has been to target overlooked or underexplored areas with a favourable technical and commercial considerations, particularly in Eastern Australia, adding value by maturing the understanding of the subsurface and attract oil and gas majors to invest in our work programs. The Company has also diversified its interests into a significant new petroleum province on the Northwest Shelf (Bedout Sub-Basin), as well as onshore gas storage at the abandoned Caroline CO2 field, South Australia.
The long-term objective of the Company is to hold a balanced portfolio in relation to exploration risk and potential field size, including production and exploration assets outside the Gippsland and Otway Basins. From its outset, the Company is committed to state-of-the-art technology, and where applicable, the use of world class practitioners preferably with backgrounds and training from leading exploration and production companies.
In the longer term the Company may well seek opportunities within Australia and the Asian region with the objective of delivering measured organic growth. Key criteria for selecting areas will be:
- identification of all essential petroleum system elements;
- acceptable levels of irreducible exploration risk;
- prior lack of thorough or systematic exploration;
- geologic diversity with a variety of hydrocarbon trap types;
- proximity to production facilities; and
- preferably shallow water or onshore.